Kratom has been used for centuries in Southeast Asia as a plant-based source of natural energy, and relief for both the body and mind. Today, it's sold as a powder, tablets, capsules, shots, gummies and more, making kratom more versatile than ever. But kratom dosing can be a bit confusing, even for those who are familiar with kratom.
It's helpful to learn how kratom works so you can take kratom in ways that are the most beneficial based on your needs. Today, Real Botanicals is discussing the different dosing amounts for best kratom use, whether you're new to kratom or looking to up your wellness routine with a new kratom product.
What Is Kratom?
Kratom, is a plant from Southeast Asia called Mitragyna speciosa, and people are flocking to use the powdered kratom leaves for plant-based optimism and relief. Some kratom users even enjoy kratom as a replacement for coffee in the morning or alcohol later in the day.
Kratom has been traditionally used throughout Southeast Asia, but is growing in popularity across the Western world. Today, relaxation, energy, and mood are three big reasons people turn to kratom. Some people use kratom as part of their pain relief regimen, taking full advantage of the deep relaxation it can offer, especially those that want to avoid taking medications.
Since kratom alkaloids may make different users feel very differently, there's a lot of confusion over what's the right kratom dose to take. Ask ten people and you'll get ten different answers for how kratom is used the right way!
Learning About Plant-Based Kratom Dosing
At Real Botanicals we believe plant-based is best, and we love the no-hangover option of having fun, releasing stress, and enjoying life more. Importantly, getting the dosage right for you can help you to maximize kratom's benefits while avoiding adverse effects.
Below, we'll help explain:
How much kratom should I take? We'll share pointers for beginners, and intermediate users, and some tips for the more advanced kratom users, as well.
Guide to kratom dosing for the kratom effects and benefits at different consumption levels.
How much kratom is average and what's considered high doses?
How much kratom to take to feel the effects for Real Botanicals products.
And when to increase your dosage or take a break from kratom use.
Understanding Kratom Dosage
Since kratom is unregulated, there's really no set dosing for any form of kratom. Therefore, responsible kratom vendors place their instructions right on the product packaging. Though the fine print may be boring, you should read it. These labels include important information related to kratom use.
Read the dosing guidelines, thoroughly, then consider other factors that may influence how much kratom you need to take. Many factors go into selecting the right kratom dosage for your needs:
Body weight (Higher BMI may require higher doses.)
How well your body responds to Kratom
Your physical and mental wellness needs
The strength and form of the kratom product
Whether or not the product has kratom extracts (which may mean smaller dosing)
Effects of Kratom & Kratom Dosing
Though kratom products may give a dosing range, you'll need to think of whether you should take the low, moderate, or high end of that range. Since kratom can cause side effects if you take more than your body needs, this is a decision to be made with some thought. (And, sometimes a little trial and error.)
Kratom contains active compounds called alkaloids. Mitragynine is the most abundant, though there are about 40 other alkaloids that contribute to a full-spectrum experience. One particular alkaloid, 7-hydroxymitragynine, is of great therapeutic interest, so we've included dosing guidelines in this article for how much of our 7-Hydro products to take by experience level.
Let's take a look at proper dosing based on your experience with kratom, the type of kratom product, and some of the potential benefits of kratom at those dose points.
High-quality kratom products deliver the best kratom experience. At Real Botanicals, we take charge at every level of production so excellence is our guarantee to you! Buy here...and stay here once you've seen it for yourself!
Understanding Kratom Product Dosing Guidelines
Kratom is considered "dose-dependent" meaning the effects can change with dosing amounts. Know your body and know kratom's fluid, dose-dependent effects, and you can know your correct dose. Even regular kratom users should occasionally consider their dosing amounts and make the appropriate adjustments.
Here are three good kratom dosing tips to keep in mind:
The lower-dose spectrum of kratom for you may be more generally uplifting and stimulatory.
A moderate dose that suits your body is a "sweet spot" in dosing, delivering the balanced effects of kratom: energy that's jitter-free, therapeutic relaxation, and an optimism that makes you feel your best.
High dosing, or dosing that's too strong for you, may lead to sedative properties.
Kratom is often used as a way to unwind on the weekends without hangovers. Kratom, especially when combined with kava, may take the edge off social unease and have you feeling great for a night out!
Kratom Dosage Chart By Experience Level
Below, we've outlined some suggested dosing for beginner kratom users, moderate or intermediate kratom use, and higher or more tolerant kratom users. Remember that these are suggestive, but if you choose to go over the recommended dosing on your kratom products, you may experience unwanted effects or risk dependence.
We've also kept our suggestions general for kratom powders since our production is focused on three (we feel better) methods of kratom use:
Kratom capsules and tablets – to avoid the bitterness of kratom. Kratom powders can be messy, and their bitterness can be intolerable for some users.
Kratom and kava – an excellent full-balance experience that appeals to a wide variety of kratom users. The kava helps give a boost to sociability and wonder, which we feel creates a more pleasurable experience with both kratom and kava.
7-hydroxymitragynine – because this powerful alkaloid is naturally present in small amounts in kratom, it's often overlooked for its high impact. 7-hydroxymitragynine (or 7-OH) is one of the most powerful alkaloids present in kratom leaf. Our innovative 7-Hydroxy products are top-of-the-line and capture the highest essence of kratom available for relief, balanced energy, and optimal mood-boosting properties.
With that, here are the dosing charts we promised!
Beginner & Low-Dose + Possible Effects
Beginners and those who are more sensitive to the plant materials in kratom products will want to start on the lower end of the dosing range presented on product labels and kratom vendor websites. Pay close attention to how doses make you feel for the best beginner use of kratom, and for more predictable results. Understand that when you consume kratom your experience may be different than for other users. Each kratom journey is unique!
Type of Kratom Product ➡️ Dosage & Effects ⬇️ |
Regular Kratom Powders |
Kratom Capsules |
Kratom + Kava Shots |
7-hydroxymitragynine |
Beginner & low dose |
Less than a teaspoon, approx. 1 to 1.5 grams |
Super Kratom 75mg Mood Boost |
Reg: ¼-less than ½ shot
Not recommended for beginners or those sensitive to the effects of Kratom’s alkaloids. |
Possible Effects |
Gentle energy boost, like a cup of coffee, gentle optimism |
Gentle energy boost, like a cup of coffee, gentle optimism |
Gentle energy boost, like a cup of coffee but without jitters, optimism & sociability – effects more pronounced with MAX |
Possibly too strong for new users, may be too sedating. |
Kratom kava shot (150mg)
Kratom kava shot (375mg)
7-hydroxymitragynine tablets
“Normal” Kratom Dosage: & Moderate-Dose + Possible Effects
Each product is labeled for the milligrams or grams of kratom that are best for a "normal dose" which applies to anyone who has some history with taking kratom, or who have tried beginner doses and didn't feel enough effects. Take a look at some of these recommendations for kratom powders, and correct dosage for each of our superior kratom product lines.
Type of Kratom Product ➡️ Dosage & Effects ⬇️ |
Regular Kratom Powders |
Kratom Capsules |
Kratom + Kava Shots |
7-hydroxymitragynine |
Moderate dose |
One tsp., approx. 2.5 grams |
Super Kratom 75mg Mood Boost or 1 capsule |
Reg: ½ shot MAX: ¼-½ shot |
10mg: ½ tablet
Possible Effects |
Relaxation, relief, and optimistic outlook |
Deep relief, clarity, jitter-free energy and notable calm |
Energy boost, relief for discomfort, notable optimism & sociability – effects more pronounced with MAX No hangovers as with alcohol! |
More pronounced, all-day, long-lasting energy boost, energized optimism, improved mood, better clarity with this more therapeutic dosing – even more pronounced with 20mg! |
Advanced or High Kratom Doses + Possible Effects
Advanced dosing or high dosing is where things get a little tricky. While we think it's more advisable to stay within product dosing recommendations on the product labels, there are some people who are more resistant to the effects of kratom. Or, kratom users battling high needs like chronic pain may feel kratom may be effective at higher amounts. If you do elect to take high doses of kratom, remember to take breaks from kratom use, and work with your medical professional for regular health checks to be sure you are on the best health and wellness plan for your needs.
Type of Kratom Product ➡️ Dosage & Effects ⬇️ |
Regular Kratom Powders |
Kratom Capsules |
Kratom + Kava Shots |
7-hydroxymitragynine |
Moderate dose |
1 ½ tsp to 2 tsp., approx. 3-5 grams |
Options: Super Kratom 150mg 1-2 capsules or 1 capsule |
Reg: ½ -¾ shot
10mg: anything over ½ tablet 20mg: anything over ½ tablet |
Possible Effects |
Higher relief, more relaxed body & laid-back optimism |
Long-lasting optimism & clarity, relaxed state but without losing productivity |
Long-lasting optimism & clarity, relaxed state but without losing productivity, plus gentle energy & heightened pleasurable sociability Great replacement for morning Joe. No jitters. |
Much more pronounced therapeutic benefits across the board. May cause higher energy or deeper relaxation depending on the user. Often used in place of alcoholic drinks without hangover. Notably stronger effects with 20mg. |
For more information on kratom dosing, see our FAQs, below, our full FAQs, and refer to our blog to learn all about the components of kratom and how to use kratom for all its potential benefits.
Kratom Dosing FAQ
What is kratom used for?
Kratom ingestion appeals to people who want to feel better, increase vitality and clarity, manage stress and discomfort, and more. No jitters like with coffee and no hangovers like with alcohol!
How do I know how much kratom to take?
Read the dosing instructions on your product, factor in your body's metabolism and experience with kratom, and take the smallest dose that works for you.
When should I increase the dose of kratom?
If you don't feel the benefits of kratom, your dosing may be too small for your body. Slightly increase the dose or switch to a stronger kratom product like our Super Kratom MAXIMUM capsules or 7-Hydroxy tabs.
When should I lower the dose of kratom or take a break from kratom?
If you feel the effects of kratom are less pronounced than they used to be, if you experience side effects, or feel you are becoming dependent, this may suggest that kratom doses are too high. To prevent dependence, take the lowest dose that works for you and take regular "breaks" from kratom to allow your body to readjust.
What are the side effects of kratom?
Taking too much kratom, or chronic kratom use can lead to side effects like appetite loss, tummy issues, or other adverse effects. Speak with your doctor if you take other medications which can complicate the effects of kratom.